Thursday, September 22, 2011

Spetember Local Honolulu Zonta Club News

Aloha all,
 Many of the Board members are not available for the September meeting so we are going to cancel it. We will meet at the normal time and place for the October meeting. Iwiould liek to take this time to inform you all on some of the things we are doing.
Susan Andersen has obtained a wonder speaker Joshua Cooper.  Joshua provided an engaging presentation for a Zonta Area Meeting on Maui in the 1990s. He will be addressing CEDEW. I have a  A challenge h for the first person who goes to the Zonta international web page and finds a link and information on what CEDEW is about and shares with us . If you do a reply to all and email the link in the next 72 hours I will take you to dinner.
I am sorry to report that Susan Anderson has had to step down from the Board.  I am grateful she is setting up the October meeting!
October is Nations month. United Nations day is October 24th.
October is also when applications for Young Women in Public affairs Awards are available on the ZI web site.  Again the first to post the link and some information on what this is about in a reply to all has a dinner on me.
The dinners will be at Schooners and the limit is 40 dollars. I hope you take my challenges in the spirit and all of us can help each other learn more about what we are about.

To replace Susan on the Board Karen Foisette has accepted the position. We really look forward to her vast knowledge and assistance.

Also in October I will be attending the District meeting in Los Angeles.  I am very excited as it is my first one. I will be rooming with Karen so I am going to try and learn a lot from her. I think of her as my Zonta Godmother... I have also volunteered to help with the time keeping as one way to get to know members. Charlotte is sending to the hotel flowers and mac nuts for me to share from the club. I have also been helping with the certificates for 30 40 and 50 year member's....we have a member in one of those categories. Can any one guess or will the member volunteer and give us a story...  I met a 50 year charter member of the Anchorage club recently.
I will also be attending the Wahine event in October with Mele.

Additionally I would like to share that I attended the Anchorage Zonta Club meeting Tuesday night. They are an awesome bunch of ladies. They are doing some of the same projects we are doing to in the Human trafficking and domestic violence. I have attached their web page and have asked for a few pictures from the meeting. I am not good at remembering to get pictures so I would love it if one of you ladies could take charge of that for our events. I could them put them on our Facebook. 
Here is the web page for Anchorage Another call for help is if anyone has the interest it would be nice to do a simple but very informative web page like the one they have.They are not in our district but I have invited them when in Hawaii to look us up. a few are going the the Italy meeting so I can continue the friendships I started.

I know a few of you did the survey and I thank you. We are going to try and email a one pager in the near future.
Other things that are on the horizon are :
8 November is Zonta International Day
15 November the Amelia Earhart fellowships applications are due
I hope you can help us come up with an idea in November to observe International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women the 25th of November and the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence (25 November to 10 December ). I know we don't meet in November and the Party is in December but maybe we can think of a service event with the Z girls or the Transition Shelter...
Also I know we have a few new members and few possibles. I would love to have their email address so I can include them in our events.
Also don"t forget our Christmas party is December 7th.  More to follow on that.
We have a face book page too and a blog. I hope to have some updated information on both soon. You have to have face book to friend the Club and I would recommend face book to social network with Club members all over the world.  Our blog is

There are so many things the Board and a few Committee chairs have been working on behind the scenes and I want to share them. I am sure I will forget something so ladies pipe up please.

I have been in contact with Donna Eisen and there are 80 girls interested in the Z club! we are working together to form their plan.

Our Club Board has also been working with Girl Fest and will have more to add about that in the near future.

We have also been talking to Marcie with PACT and hope to have a mentor program with the transition house.  They are also thinking about pillows this year instead of back pack and items.
 In closing I wanted to share a Zonta presentation from another Club on technology.  Please enjoy and I look forward to seeing all of you soon. 

In Sisterly Zonta Love,